Reading Recreation Commission named 2017 PA Agency of the Year!
Pictured Left to Right: Heather Boyer,Matt Lubas, Daphne Klahr, Sarah Hoffman, John O'Mara, Rebecca Swoyer, Ronda Morrison, Camille Stock
Not pictured: Lawrence Zerbe, Ken Bechtel, Tamara Tayvies, Brian Wardhammer and the awesome staff of 11th and Pike and 3rd and Spruce Recreation Centers
Remarks from the awards banquet in Hershey, PA: The department being honored tonight displayed innovative and collaborative approaches in moving their mission forward, and demonstrated a particular resourcefulness, especially over the past five years.
This year’s Agency of the Year recipient has, in the last five years, transformed itself into a vibrant and thriving public recreation agency that is improving the quality of life, and creating more opportunities, for the residents of the City of Reading. Along with being an award-winning parks and recreation agency, the Commission is also a social service agency--feeding, clothing, and helping to provide basic material needs for hundreds of city youth and their families. In addition, the department provides life skills education to at-risk youth who might not otherwise have those opportunities.
The Cinderella story began in 2012 when the Commission began operations. What had once been a thriving parks and recreation department throughout most of the 20th century, Reading was now faced with a small operating budget, limited program offerings, and decades of deferred maintenance. The collaborative agencies of DCNR, the City of Reading and the Reading School District had the idea to create a Commission charged with getting the department headed in the right direction. An Executive Director was hired to oversee the Commission and begin a period of tremendous change and growth for the department. Over the next five years, the operating budget increased by nearly five times and the number of full time employees went from two to ten. In addition, 7 different buildings were renovated and improved and 20 parks were restored, increasing the credibility of the department and allowing them to raise over $700,000 in private donations and sponsorships to support their efforts.
The program offerings of the Commission are now of the highest caliber with well trained and dedicated staff, all driven by the mission “We Make Reading Look Good”. Simply put, in one of the poorest cities in the nation, this department has improved the quality of life for its citizens by providing quality recreation and educational experiences in well cared for and safe facilities, a dramatic change from where they were in the not so distant past.
A Partnership Benefiting the Community
The Reading Recreation Commission is a community partnership between the City of Reading and Reading School District, funded in part by tax dollars, that provides quality programs and facilities to the residents of Reading. The partnership between the two entities allows us to provide better recreation services in a more cost-effective way. We provide neighborhood-based recreation and learning opportunities for all ages - with an emphasis on affordable programs for children - at schools, parks, playgrounds, and at our two recreation centers.
Programs include youth and adult instructional sports programs and leagues, fitness classes, summer playgrounds, club activities, cultural arts programs, after school care, and community special events.
Our recreation services bring people together and make our community stronger. Our staff serve as mentors to youth and provide them with opportunities to learn, feel cared for, and become engaged in sports and activities. Positive recreation experiences help to build stronger communities and improve people’s lives.
Our mission: To provide quality recreation programs and facilities for the residents of Reading with a primary focus on youth programs.
Reading Recreation Commission Leadership
An 11-member intergovernmental board governs Reading Recreation Commission operations. These dedicated individuals represent the community through a partnership among the City of Reading and the Reading School District. This cooperative support provides Reading Recreation Commission with the funding and use of parks, playgrounds, school gymnasiums and ball fields that is needed to offer an extensive schedule of recreation and learning opportunities for all ages.
Reading Recreation Commission Board of Directors
Donald Taddei, Jr.
City Representative
Jesse Leisawitz, Esq.
Reading School District
Ryan Yanchocik
City of Reading Community Representative
Patricia Wright
Reading School District
Board Member
Dr. Paige Brookins
Reading School District
Board Member
Vanessa Campos
City Council Member
David MCCoy
City of Reading Community Representative
Stephen Thompson
School District Community Representative
Carlos Torres
City of Reading
Melissa Ventura
City Council Member
School District Community Representative
Executive Director
Daphne E. Klahr, Ed.D., CPRE
Meeting Minutes
- December 11, 2012
- November 12, 2012
- October 9, 2012
- September 11, 2012
- August 14, 2012
- July 10, 2012
- June 12, 2012
- May 8, 2012
- April 17, 2012
- March 13, 2012
- February 7, 2012
- January 10, 2012